OMG, I drank an innocent glass of grape juice today. I just about fainted when I read the label and found I’d just consumed 160 calories and 40g of carbohydrates. I wanted to stick my finger down my throat and throw it right back up. I thought grape juice was supposed to be good for you! It did have some vitamin C in it, but what a price to pay. I can eat a 50 calorie orange that only has 11 carbs in it and get more vitamin C. Good to know. Also a good lesson to read the labels before I eat or drink something, not after.
I think one of the reasons I’m able to stick to my target numbers (300 calories, 30g protein, 25g carbs, and 8g fat 5 X day) is because I stopped drinking coke about a year ago. I used to love that stuff more than anything else I could possibly drink. It was heaven every time I tasted that yummy “cancer in a can”. Kangen Water helped me kick that bad habit.
I read a new study from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health that said “reducing liquid calories, especially those that come from sugar-sweetened drinks like sodas, punches, and packaged fruit juices is one of the most effective ways to help people lose weight and keep it off.” The single largest source of calories in the American diet is from liquids, with soft drinks leading the way. It’s also totally hard to track the amount of calories in beverages because we enjoy those "unlimited refills" in those “Big Gulp” containers!
Now I drink at least a gallon of Kangen Water every day...and you can bet your sweet boots I won’t be drinking anymore of that evil grape juice!
Wow...I'm so proud of you! You're getting it !